Idiocracy torrent fr hd
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Специфическая комедия, которая для определенного зрителя может стать либо шикарной комедией обладающей тонким и весьма интересным юмором, либо полным провалом из-за слишком уж специфического мира идиотов и достаточно своеобразным юмором. It's funny, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny.
But during that time human evolution has taken a dramatic down turn. Теперь они должны спасти человечество от полного вымирания. Unfortunately Joe doesn't wake up in a year, he wakes up in 500 years! Военный и проститутка — единственная и последняя надежда гибнущей цивилизации людей! Блин, такая идея классная, но воплощение третьесортное. Начните скачивать торрент Idiocracy прямо сейчас! What I really enjoyed about this movie was Mike Judge's comedic satire on the course of US History over the last 50 years, and how mankind progresses over the subsequent 500 years. Я думаю так же. Zanzy-bar пишет: Не понравился , слишком мусорный юмор.
Instead, he's chosen because he's the most average guy in the armed services. Уровень интеллекта парня из 1945 года гораздо выше, чем у того же парня 2015 года, да, да и не смейтесь.
Idiocracy - Unfortunately Joe doesn't wake up in a year, he wakes up in 500 years! He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.
Synopsis Officer Collins has been spearheading one of the US Army's most secretive experiments to date: the Human Hibernation Project. If successful, the project would store its subjects indefinitely until they are needed most. Their first test subject - Joe Bauers - was not chosen for his superiority. Instead, he's chosen because he's the most average guy in the armed services. But scandal erupts after the experiment takes place, the base is closed, and the president disavows any knowledge of the project. Unfortunately Joe doesn't wake up in a year, he wakes up in 500 years! But during that time human evolution has taken a dramatic down turn. After waking up, Joe takes a prison-assigned IQ test and finds that he's the smartest guy alive! Awaiting a full presidential pardon if he can solve one of the country's biggest problems - the dwindling plant population, Joe races against time to solve this problem. But in doing so he alienates half the country in the process! Can he make things right... Officer Collins has been spearheading one of the US Army's most secretive experiments to date: the Human Hibernation Project. If successful, the project would store its subjects indefinitely until they are needed most. Their first test subject - Joe Bauers - was not chosen for his superiority. Instead, he's chosen because he's the most average guy in the armed services. But scandal erupts after the experiment takes place, the base is closed, and the president disavows any knowledge of the project. Unfortunately Joe doesn't wake up in a year, he wakes up in 500 years! But during that time human evolution has taken a dramatic down turn. After waking up, Joe takes a prison-assigned IQ test and finds that he's the smartest guy alive! Awaiting a full presidential pardon if he can solve one of the country's biggest problems - the dwindling plant population, Joe races against time to solve this problem. But in doing so he alienates half the country in the process! Can he make things right... As social satire, Idiocracy is just as good as Office Space, but with a wider scope. To criticize this film as too puerile due to potty humor is to kind of miss the point, I think. There are certainly fart jokes etc. The real humor of the film lies in the many sight gags and attitudes present in this future society that are just a shade off of what we encounter in our daily lives, and which should serve as a warning. My personal favorite is the depiction of Fox News. Note the times in the film when Joe and Rita almost subconsciously conform to the idiots around them, and you realize that Idiocracy is not created to pick on any group of people in particular, but on the culture of idiocy in general. We all need to see this film, if not for the social commentary, at least for the fart jokes... I saw this film in 2006, after a friend recommended it to me. Back then, I considered it an interesting commentary on society, but one that was too exaggerated to really mean much. Fast forward 10 years and I'd completely forgotten about it, until seeing it on TV recently. In hindsight, it no longer seems all that exaggerated. The character flaws associated with the stupid people in the film are more prevalent than ever, so it does make you wonder how far we could evolve in the next 488 years. It's easy to associate this with younger generations and blame them for our devolution, but the truth is that they're just the manifestation of what the rest of us created.
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